
The Nursing Observatory
includes two co-presidents
and a team of collaborators
including researchers,
clinicians,and leaders.


Marilou Gagnon is a registered nurse and university professor in nursing. Her expertise lies primarily in the fields of HIV/AIDS nursing and harm reduction, and with marginalized and stigmatized people. She is interested in questions related to advocacy and social justice.

Amélie Perron is a registered nurse and university professor in nursing. Her expertise lies primarily in the fields of psychiatric nursing and mental health, and with marginalized and stigmatized people. She is interested in questions related to the mobilization and the political action of nurses.



Critical analysis of various issues pertaining to the profession, practice and education of nurses in Canada.


Action on key issues through position statements, publications, interviews, media interviews, and others.


Amplification and showcasing various perspectives and expertise, particularly those of nurses from clinical, academic and research settings.


Nursing profession

This axis encompasses questions regarding professional regulation and governance, unions issues, government matters, health policies and reform affecting nurses.

Nursing practice

This axis encompasses questions regarding nursing scope of practice and roles, work conditions (e.g. mandatory overtime, austerity measures, models of care, etc.), workplace violence, back to work legislation, whistleblowing.

Nursing education

This axis encompasses questions regarding nursing education, entry to practice examination, influences on nursing curriculum.